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How About Some Theater Trivia ! Don't Peek at the Answers !
(Hey! You! Yes, you! Can you find the hidden "Easter Egg" somewhere on the NSP website? Hint: It's about music!)
Trivia questions from:
Answers at the bottom of the page!
1) One of Broadway's longest-running musicals, what Jonathan Larson show with a four-letter title featured characters singing about how they couldn't afford to pay their New York City landlord?
2) "___: You're the One that I Want" was a 2007 reality competition show to cast the lead roles of Danny and Sandy in a Broadway musical revival. What musical's one-word title goes in the blank?
3) The title character and his comrade in arms, Lafayette, tell the story of the Battle of Yorktown in "Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)," a rousing number in what hit Broadway musical?
4) What classic Broadway musical, adapted for film in 1961 and again in 2021, features warring New York City gangs known as the Jets and the Sharks?
5) Harold Hill sings, "I love you madly, madly, Madam Librarian, Marian" in the song "Marian the Librarian," in what classic and alliteratively titled Broadway musical?
6) With over 10,000 performances, what spooky performance is the longest running show in Broadway history?
7) What 1959 Broadway musical is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea?"
8) Inspired by Alanis Morissette's 1995 album of the same name, what Broadway show closed on December 17, 2021 after winning both two Tony Awards and the 2021 Grammy for Best Musical Theater Album?
9) Now located at 315 West 44th Street, what legendary "avian" NYC jazz club opened in its first incarnation in December 1949 on Broadway near 52nd Street?
10) What Broadway musical, which has an exclamation point in its title, is about the man who was mayor of New York City from 1934 to 1945?
Above: More scenes from various North Shore Players productions over the last ten years!
Downloadable Theater Word Search !
(Don't Peek at the Answers!)
NOTE: To download the word search below, roll the mouse to the top right corner of the form. When a box and arrow appear, click on it and the form will appear in another window so you can download or print the word search.
Word Search from, copyright 2024.
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Downloadable Theater Crossword !
(No Peeking at the Answers!)
NOTE: To download the crossword puzzle below, roll the mouse to the top right corner of the form. When a box and arrow appear, click on it and the form will appear in another window so you can download or print the puzzle.
"Theater Etiquette Crossword" is from the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts. Visit LBC here:

Trivia Answers from:
How did you do ?
NSP Youth Theatre performance of "Little Man" over 8 years ago!
1) Rent
2) Grease
3) Hamilton
4) West Side Story
5) The Music Man
6) Phantom of the Opera
7) Once Upon a Mattress
8) Jagged Little Pill
9) Birdland
10) Fiorello!
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